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Sources and ways of Acquiring knowledge

1.Knowledge through Authority:-

    We know that home, school and community are the agencies of education. From the very beginning, children acquire various knowledge from home, school as well as from the community. Whotever they listen from their parents, elders at home, teachers/ principals religious and social leaders are knowledge for them. We can say that the authority with whom the children come in contact becomes the source of knowledge. But certain precautions are required in case of getting knowledge from the authority. The person from whom we acquire knowledge must really be an authority or is a specialist in his/ her field of knowledge. A teacher for a learner is an authority. So, learner accept the teacher as a great source of knowledge.

2. Knowledge through senses:-

    We can know many thing about the external world, and their characteristics through our senses, i.e. by seeing (we see with our eyes), Tasting (taste with our tongue), smelling (smell with our noise), Touching ( smoothness/ roughness by touching with our hands, Hearing (hear with our ears). There are also ‘internal senses’ like feelings, attitudes, moods, pains and pleasures), as well as our own mental operations such as thinking, believing and wondering. Knowledge is drawn through five senses. It means senses are great source of Knowledge. The more the senses are involved in the process, the more comprehensive would be the Knowledge.

3. Knowledge through reason:-

   This type of Knowledge is arrived at by means of reasoning. There are two types of reasoning which serve as the source of Knowledge: deductive and inductive. In both types of reasoning, Knowledge is acquired through arguments and logic. In deductive, the conclusion logically Bellows from the premises. Of the premises are true, the conclusion that follows must be true. In inductive, the premises provide evidences for the conclusions. Reasoning is a mental process in which one draws out inferences or results.

Sources and ways of Acquiring knowledge

4. Knowledge through Intuition:-

    Intuition means an ability to understand or know something immediately based on your feelings rather than facts. This types of Knowledge is spontaneous and sudden. It is said to be revealed but it pertains to certain persons having purity of heart and mind. All persans at different point of time may experience it. Knowing by intuition does not really explain ‘knowing how.’ It tells us nothing about the validating procedure. It is a certain kind of experience when a conviction of certainty comes upon us quits suddenly like a flash. Intuitions sometimes create conflict.

5. Knowledge through Experimentation:-

   Man draws Knowledge while making experiments. This Knowledge is verifiable. Experiment can be repeated in order to check the reliability of facts. So experimentation is a way or made of drawing out Knowledge.

6. Knowledge through Revelation:-

   Revelation means a thing or a person that surprises you and makes you change your opinion about somebody/ something. This Knowledge is conveyed to man by an external and more powerful agent like God or super power. Knowledge contained in the ‘vedas’ or world scriptures (religious/philosophical books) is revealed Knowledge. This type of Knowledge is accepted as universal Knowledge.

7. Knowledge through Empiricism:-

    The process of acquiring Knowledge through observation and experiences is called Empiricism. The Knowledge that we gin through scientific experiment, validating, re-validating, testing, etc are based on the empirical Knowledge. It is acquired scientifically through systematic methods of scientific inquiry. Again the Knowledge that we acquire through sensory processes like seeing, hearing, etc are the examples through empiricism. It is the best Knowledge which can be tested, verified, observed, experimented and also can be experienced.

8. Knowledge through Tenacity:-

   Tenacity is something, which psychologically force the people to accept it. You must have observed the slogans of various political parties, advertisement of different commercial products and repetitive propaganda for something. When such things are repeated many times in media such as in news papers, televisions or even in rallies people believe them to be true. But the problem with getting Knowledge through tenacity is that we do not know when the Knowledge received can be validated. This is a problem with Knowledge acquired through tenacity.

9. Knowledge through Faith:-

   One belief and faith sometimes become the base for acquiring Knowledge. Just like intuition, the same difficulty also arise here. People have faith in different things and the things they claim to know by means of faith often conflict with one another. Faith is a firm belief in something for which there is no evidence. So it cannot be a valid source of Knowledge.

10. Other sources:-

   Human being also gain Knowledge directly or indirectly from various other sources. These sources may be real incident of life and media.

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