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Relationship Between Education & Philosophy


 Education & Philosophy

-Both are interrelated and inter dependent like the fragrance and the flower, both go hand with each other.

-Education and philosophy are two flowers of one stem and two sides of a coin. The philosophy is the thoughtful side and other is the active side of the coin.

-Philosophical knowledge plays the foundational role through which objectives of education emerges.

Ross said “Philosophy and education are the two sides of the same coin, the one is implied by other, the former is the contemplative aide of the life, while other is active side.”

John Adams said, “education is the dynamic side of philosophy”

John Dewey said, “philosophy is the theory of education in its most general phase” education is a laboratory in which philosophical distinctions become concrete and are tested.

Relationship Between Education & Philosophy

*Points how philosophy and education are related:-

-Education is philosophy in action

-Philosophy and education are two sides of same coin

-Great philosophers have been great educators

-Philosophy determines the various aspects of education

-Philosophy is the base of education.


*Education is philosophy in Action:-

1.Philosophy provides the idea/purpose or the aim and education work on it practically.

2. Philosophy show the road map or direction and education will walk on that path or direction.

3. That’s why education’s the dynmic side of the philosophy and we can say that “philosophy in action.”

-Relationship between education and philosophy is just like the relationship between a blind man and a lame man. The lame man can see but can not walk and the blind man is able to walk but unable to see.

-In order to reach the destination, the blind and the lame should work together with each other. The lame man (philosophy) will show the direction and the blind man (Education) will move accordingly.

-So philosophy will show the direction and education will proceed in that direction.

*Philosophy and education are two sides of same coin:-

  As we know that philosophy and education are two side of coin and one is thought full process/ side and other is active side.

*Great philosophers have been great educators also:-

    The great philosophers like Vivekananda, Gandhi, Radhakrishanan, Socrates, Plato all were great philosophers and great educationist as well they know to apply their idea into real education.

*Philosophy determines the various aspects of education:-

   Everything in education have a philosophical base for example aims, Curriculum, Methods, text-books, discipline, teacher etc. are based on philosophy. In this way education is the active, dynmic and practical side of philosophy.

*Philosophy is the base of education:-

   Philosophy assists education and educator in designing the curriculum, aim, teaching practice, subject matter, skills etc.

  Philosophy is the base to decide the aims and goals of life. Education helps to achieve the goals.

  Philosophy tells the values of life education help to fill that values in an human being.

  Philosophy influences all aspects of education.

  Philosophy determines what is worth living and education helps to achieve and prepares for that type of life.

  Philosophy helps in clarifying various issues and problems in education.

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