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Describe in detail the phases of Teaching| B.Ed


What do you mean by phases of Teaching? Describe in detail the phases of Teaching.

Phases of Teaching:-

   Teaching is a complex and difficult task. We need systematic planning to perform this task. Teaching has to be done in various steps. The various steps preparing constituting the process are called the ‘phases of Teaching.’ Each phase has some operations of Teaching which create the situation for learning. Teaching process can be divided in to three phases/ stages.

1.Pre-Active phase of Teaching (planning stage)

2. Inter-Active phase of Teaching (Implementation stage)

3. Post-Active phase of Teaching (Evaluate stage)


Describe in detail the phases of Teaching

1.Pre-Active stage:-

    This phase refers to the planning of a lesson. This phase includes all those activities which a teacher perform before class-room teaching or before entering the class-room. It includes

(1)Strategies and methodologies to be adopted.

(2) use of Teaching aids.

   Planning is done in order to make decisions with regard to the following aspects:-

(a)Selection of content to be-tought.

(b) Organisation of the content.

(c)Selection of appropriate Teaching method.

(d) Decision regarding the preparation and usage of evaluation tools.


Suggested Activities in pre-Active phase:

(1)Determining gools/ objectives

(2) Selection of the content to be taught

(3) Sequencing the elements of content for presentation

(4) Selecting instructional methodology

(5) How’s when the Teaching strategies use.

2. Interactive phase:

  This is the second phase. It refers to the execution of the plan made during pre-Active phase. In inter-Active phase of Teaching all the activities performed by a teacher when he enters the classroom are combined to gether. These activities are concerned with the presentation of the content in the class.


    In this process, the teacher provides the learners verbal stimulation. This stimulation can be of various kinds such as asking questions, listening student’s responses & providing guidance, making explanations.

  Activities suggested in Inter-Active phase

(1)Setting up the class: (a) size of the class, (b) students helping mood, (c) students problem creating Tendency,(d)Display of Impressive characteristic.

(2) knowing the learner.

(3) starting teaching.


3. Post-Active phase:-

    It is the evaluation phase of teaching. It arises when the teacher has left the class and tries to have a look back into what happened in the class.

  This phase is concerned with the following activities:-

(a)Evaluation Activities:-

   These activities are performed in various ways, e.g. tests or qulzzer or by observing students reactions of questions etc.

(b) Summing up Teaching Task:-

    To sum up, the teacher asks the questions from the learners, verbally or in written from. The behaviours of the students are also measured in order to evaluate their achieve ments.

  Suggested Activities in post Active phase

1.Defining Exact Dimensions of changes resulted from teaching.

2.Selection of Testing Devices/ Techniques.

3. Changing the strategies in terms of collection Evidences.  

Hindi Diwas 14 september Clik Her

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