
Three dimensional theory-Guilford


Structure of intellect or Three dimensional theory-Guilford

  According to Guilford’s Structure of Intellect(SI) theory (1955), an individual’s performance on intelligence tests can be traced back the underlying mental abilities or factors of intelligence.

  SI theory comprises up to 180 different intellectual abilities organized along three dimension:  (1) Operation, (2) Content, (3) Products.


Structure of intellect or Three dimensional theory-Guilford


     This consists of five (later six when memory was separated into recording and retention) kinds of operations or general intellectual processes:

(1)Coginition:- The ability to understand, comprehend, discover and become aware.

(2)Memory:- The ability to encode information and recall information. Later divided into

   -Memory recording:- The ability to encode information.

  -Memory retention:- The ability to recall information.

(3)Divergent production:- The process of generating multiple Solutions to a problem.

(4)Convergent production:- The ability to understand, comprehend, discover and become aware.

(5) Evaluation:- The process of judging whether an answer is accurate, consistent, or valid.



    This dimension includes the broad areas of information in which operations are applied.

    It was divided into four categories, later five when auditory and visual were separated:-

(1)Figural visual:- Concrete real world information, tangible objects, things in the environment- It includes visual: information perceived through sight.

(2)Figural Auditory:- Information perceived through hearing and kinesthetic: information perceived through one’s own physical actions.

(3) Symbolic:- Information perceived as symbols or signs that stand for something else, e.g. Arabic numerals, the letters of an alphabet or musical and scientific notations.

(4) Semantic:- Concerned with verbal meaning and ideas- Generally considered to be abstract in nature.

(5)Behavioral:- Information perceived as acts of people.


   This dimension contains results of applying particular operations to specific contents. The SI model includes six products in increasing complexity!

(1)Unit:- Single items of knowledge

(2) Classes:- sets of units sharing common attributes.

(3) Relations:- Units linked as opposites or in associations, sequences or analogies.

(4) System:- Multiple relations interrelated to comprise structures or networks.

(5) Transformations:- Changes, perspectives, conversions or mutations to knowledge such as reversing the order of letters in a word.

(6) Implications:- Predictions, inferences, consequences or anticipations of knowledge.


   Therefore, according to Guilford there are 5*6*6=180 intellectual abilities or factors (his research only confirmed about three behavioral abilities, so it is generally not included in the model).

   Guilford’s original model was composed of 120 components.


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