
The Upanishads|Smritis


The Upanishads:-


 Called Vedanta.

 They are the main source of Indian Philosophy, 108 in numbers.




Explains rules and regulations in the Vedic life.




There are 6 school of Indian Philosophy known as Darshana.

These are given by 6 philosophers of Ancient India

Nyaya (Analysis) Darshana: Gautama.

Vaishesika Darshana: Kannada Rishi (referred atom as kan/anu).

Sankhaya Darshana: Kapila

Yoga Darshana: Patanjali.

Purva Mimamsa: Jaimini

Uttara Mimamsa: Badaryana or Vyasa (wrote Mahabharata, classified vedas, composed the puranas, gave vedantic philosophy).



The Upanishads



 The Mahabharata, attributed to Vyasa, is considered older than the Ramayana and describes the period from the 10th century BC to the 4th century AD. It is also called Jaisamhita and Satasahasri Samhita and has one lakh verses.


The Ramayana, attributed to Valmiki.

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