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Vedic Period: The Aryans|Early Vedic or Rigvedic Period

 The Aryans were semi-nomadic pastoral people and originated from area around the Caspian Sea in Central Asia (many historians have given various theories regarding their original place). The Central Asian theory is given by Max Muller.


 Entered India probably through the Khyber Pass (Hindukush Mountains) around 1500 BC.


Early Vedic or Rigvedic Period


Political Organisation:-


 Monarchial from. Tribe was known as Jan and its king as Rajan.

Family was the basic unit of society. The family was patriarchal in nature.

The Samiti was the National Assembly of the people while the Sabha was Council of Elders.




 Social structure was patriarchal.

Women had a high place in society and were co-workers and co-partners in the life with their husbands.

Caste system was not hereditary, but was based on one’s own profession.




  Aryans followed a mixed economy-pastoral and agricultural- in which cattle played a predominant part.

 Standard unit of exchange was cow. At the same time coins were also there.


Vedic Period: The Aryans



 The script is pictographic, not deciphered.




 Invasion of the Aryans, recurrent floods, social breakup of Harappans, earthquakes, major ecological changes etc. are listed as possible causes.




 The Aryans personified the natural forces and looked upon them as living beings.

The most important divinity was Indra who played the role of warlord (breaker of forts-Purandar).




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