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The Mauryan Dynasty

 Chandragupta Maurya (322- 298 BC)


 With the help of Chanakya, known as Kautilya or Vishnugupta, he overthrew the Nandas and established the rule of the Maurya dynasty.

He also called as Sandrocottus/Androcottus by Greek scholars.


He defeated Selucus Nikator, the General of Alexander in 305 BC from North-West India.

Selucus sent a Greek Ambasrador Megasthenes to the court of Chandragupta.


The Mauryan Dynasty

Bindusara (298- 272 BC)


Chandragupta was succeeded by his son Bindusara in 297 BC. At the time of his death, almost the entire subcontinent came under the Mauryan rule.



Ashoka (269- 236 BC)



Regarded as one of the greatest kings of all times.

In his inscriptions following languages have been used: Brahmi, Kharoshthi, Armaic and Greek.


The Kaling war (261 BC, mentioned in XIII Rock edict) changed his attitude towards life. Ashoka became a Buddhist after that.

Built the Sanchi Stupa.


Ashoka took some measure for propagation of Dhamma in his empire through his Dhamma Mahamattas, undertaking of Dhamma by regulation.


The last Mauryan King Brihadratha was killed by Pushyamitra Shunga (Commander in Chief) in 185 BC, who started the Shunga dynasty in Magadha.


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